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The Zestful Calacatchara Festival of Calaca, Batangas

Calacatchara Festival has been one of the most celebrated festivals of Batangas. This is evident in the number of times the Calacatchara street dancers have wowed attendees of the annual Ala Eh! Festival – one proof that the festival of Calaca, Batangas strongly unites the people.

In case you don’t know, the name of this festival was derived from combining Calaca and atchara, the town’s infamous product. Atchara is an appetizer and/or side dish made of pickled raw papaya.

READ MORE: CalacAtchara, the best appetizer in Batangas

The Calacatchara Festival usually runs for a week ending in October 24, the feast day of the town’s patron saint, St. Raphael the Archangel. Because of Mayor Sofronio “Nas” Ona Jr.’s desire to revive the then weakening industry of atchara, he came up with this festival to promote the appetizing dish during his first term of office.

Calacatchara Festival, Calaca, BatangasA street dancing competition usually highlights the annual celebration of Calacatchara Festival. In 2011, Calaca’s festival, as represented by the town’s street dancers, placed 4th in Aliwan Fiesta, a yearly gathering of the Philippines’ cultural festivals.

The contingent of Calacatchara Festival is also one of the much awaited delegations each year in the Ala Eh! Festival as they are known for their vivacious performance and flamboyant costumes and props.

Witness all these things in the celebration of Calacatchara Festival 2013 in Calaca, Batangas. Below is the schedule of festivities originally published in the municipality’s official website, Click the photo for a larger view.

Calacatchara Festival 2013 of Calaca, Batangas - schedule of activities

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JR Cantos is the Publisher of Some of the articles here on the website have been contributed over the years, so please just email us at help (at) if you have any concerns. Salamat!

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