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Have the Best Summer Adventure, Experience La Virginia Resort and Hotels, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

  In a small town of Mataasnakahoy, Batangas, you can find the largest privately-owned natural getaway – La Virginia Resort and Hotel. With the clean elegance of Philippine and modern architecture, you’ll be amazed by how nature and modernity perfectly blend. You could also decompres from life’s pressures in the healing …

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Holy Week/ Mahal na Araw Celebration in Batangas and in the Philippines (True Christians at Heart) and Summer Spree in the Land of Batanguenos

What is Holy Week or Mahal na Araw? Why do most of the Filipinos spend much time and money as well as effort in celebrating this said season? How do you find people who are crucufying themselves and doing stuffs just to imitate the sacrifices and penitence of Christ during …

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