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Batangas State University (Formerly known as Pablo Borbon Memorial Institute of Technology or TRADE)

HISTORY Batangas State University was established on 1903 as a Manual Training School, aimed of training male youth for gainful occupations particularly woodworking under the leadership of the American Mr. Sheer, the first school principal. Other succeeding principals follows. This includes Messrs. Schartz, Zacarias Canent, Isaias Maclang and Nad Pascual …

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Parada ng mga Lechon, Balayan, Batangas

Visit the Balayan page for all information on Balayan. A lechon on a table during fiestas is already a big wow for the visitors. How much more of this: a whole parade about 100 of these mouth watering, roasted pigs! This is what we could witness every 24th of June at Balayan, Batangas. Local Balayan folks do this …

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