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December 08, 2020 - Immaculate Conception
Batangas, Philippines 23.48 km

Every 8 December is Immaculate Conception Day in the Philippines, a holiday that is commemorated in many other Roman Catholic-majority countries around the world.

The devout in the Philippines attend special masses on this day in honour of the Virgin Mary and the belief in her having been conceived without sin. The day is also supposed to be a day when Catholics avoid any “unnecessary work”.

The main event on Immaculate Conception in the Philippines is the procession of Marian images from all over the country around the old walled city in Manila. There are 90 or more such images, many of them very ornate and associated with claims of miraculous appearances and healings or the like. This event is often dubbed, “The Grand Marian Procession”.

The carriages that carry the images of Mary, called “carrozas”, are also very ornate and are filled with flowers and lit candles. And a marching band may accompany the images “Marian parade”.

The first of these Immaculate Conception processions took place in 1619, was designed to promote the catechism, and lasted for 15 days. The modern ones are shorter, but have more images and are focused on reverencing the Virgin Mary rather than the catechism as such.

July 20, 2021 - Eidul Adha
Batangas, Philippines 23.48 km

Eidul Adha is a Muslim celebration that honours the willingness of Ibrahim to obey Allah and also commemorates the end of the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). In 2019, Eidul Adha falls on Monday 12 August. President Duterte has signed Proclamation No. 789 to confirm the holiday throughout the country.

According to Islamic traditions, Allah tested the prophet Ibrahim’s obedience by commanding him to sacrificially slaughter his first, and then only, son Ishmael. Both Ibrahim and Ishmael’s willingness to obey Allah’s commands was rewarded by Allah sparing Ishmael’s life, but also led to the birth of a second son, Is-haaq.

In the Islamic calendar, Eidul Adha is celebrated on the tenth day of Zhul Hijja. As the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, the date to celebrate Eidul Adha constantly changes. It is the duty of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) to inform the Office of the President on which date in the Gregorian calendar it should fall.

Muslim Filipinos attend a mosque to pray special prayers for the occasion and to listen to a sermon. It is important to wear new clothes or the best ones available. Depending on the region, Muslim families, who can afford to, either buy a live animal to sacrifice (such as a goat, cow or sheep), or whole or large portions of meat to share around at the feast. It is important that this meat is shared with the poorer members of the community.

June 12, 2021 - Araw ng Kalayaan
Batangas, Philippines 23.48 km

Independence Day in the Philippines is held every 12 June and commemorates the Philippines’ declaration of independence from Spanish colonial rule.

The original Independence Day was held in 1898 in present day Kawit, Cavite where General Emilio Aguinaldo read out the The Act of the Declaration of Independence. Whilst this was an important milestone for Filipinos, the Spanish government did not recognise their independence.

They then went on to give the Philippines to the United States after the Spanish-American war as part of the peace treaty. After a war and the Philippines’ own treaty with the United States, independence was granted to the Philippines on 4 July 1946, coinciding with the American Independence Day.

4 July was celebrated as Independence Day until 1964. After mounting pressure from the community, the government declared that 12 June would be The Philippines’ Independence Day and a national holiday. 4 July in the Philippines would then become the Philippines’ Republic Day.

A parade in Manila marks the official celebrations, attended by the President and government officials. The parade showcases the Philippines’ armed forces as well as some local organisations and the different ethnic groups of the Philippines. Firework displays are also held, particularly in Manila.

February 12, 2021 - Chinese New Year
Batangas, Philippines 23.48 km

The New Year is a celebration of the end and beginning of a year based on the lunar calendar. The holiday celebrates the events of the past year, while ushering in good fortune for the upcoming year. The lunar New Year celebrations in the Philippines are approached with the same exciting outlook as they are in Mainland China.

November 01, 2021 - All Saints Day
Batangas, Philippines 23.48 km

All Saints’ Day in the Philippines is usually celebrated on the first and second day of November. In the Philippines, this holiday is often referred to as Undas.

All Saints’ Day is an important day in many Catholic countries. As the Philippines is the world’s third largest Catholic country, the country celebrates it with gusto. Traditionally, All Saints’ Day marks a Roman Catholic holiday that celebrates saints who were not awarded their own feast days. It also marks a celebration of the lives of the deceased.

All Saints’ Day in the Philippines is celebrated similarly to the way the holiday is marked in other former Spanish colonies like Mexico. On November 1st each year, people flock to their family plots in cemeteries across the country. They also use this holiday to hold a family reunion where groups of an extended family gather together.

The day is filled with music and food. There is also prayer and religious traditions. At the end of the day, people will often camp overnight in the cemetery to pay their respects to their dead relatives. Visitors remark that Filipinos are remarkably at home among their dead ancestors.

Filipinos are known for having great respect for their dead. To prepare for Undas, families will visit the graves of their ancestors before the holiday to clean up the area and perform maintenance. During the holiday, people will decorate the graves with flowers and candles. The cemeteries will come alive during this period.

In addition to these traditions, other Catholic traditions are also observed. Many cemeteries will hold a special mass during the day. The rest of the day is often marked by periods of prayer and the recitation of the Litany for the Dead.

This holiday is a mix of the observance of the dead and a joyful holiday. Families bring plenty of food and drink for their dead relatives. Some believe that the deceased are taking part in the feast alongside the living. While most bring food directly to the cemetery, other families will also leave food at home on altars for any relatives who aren’t buried in the cemetery.

The Philippines is the largest Christian country in Asia. As a result, much of the country shuts down over these two days. Offices and schools both close during this period.

August 21, 2021 - Ninoy Aquino Day
Batangas, Philippines 23.48 km

Ninoy Aquino Day is held every 21 August to commemorate the life and death of Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. Senator Aquino, along with his wife Corazon, are attributed as leading lights in modern Philippine democracy.

In 1972 the Philippines was placed under martial law by President Ferdinand Marcos, effectively making Marcos a dictator. Many believe this law was enacted to secure Marcos’ power but was enforced under the guise of protecting the country from communism and civil strife.

During this time, any person who publicly opposed Marcos was imprisoned by the military, and many public institutions were closed down. The military was also found to have committed human rights abuses and the Philippine economy suffered massive losses.

Senator Aquino was a vocal opponent of Marcos and was consequently imprisoned. In 1980, Aquino suffered a heart attack and was allowed to move to the United States to receive medical treatment. While in the U.S. he continued to advocate for the Philippines people’s freedom.

To challenge Marcos in the 1984 elections, Aquino decided to return to the Philippines in August 1983, knowing it could lead to his death. On the 21st of the month, he landed in Manila International Airport where he was assassinated, many believe, under the orders of Marcos. It was this event that led to the eventual downfall of Marcos and the presidency of Aquino’s wife, Corazon.

The inaugural Ninoy Aquino Day was celebrated in 2004 after the then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo declared it as a day to commemorate his death anniversary. The holiday was also part of her “holiday economics” program to boost tourism in the Philippines.

Being a special non-working holiday, employees who choose not to work that day and/or are not rostered to work do no receive any pay. Employees who do work receive an additional 30% of their hourly wage for every hour worked.

The EDSA People Power Commission (EPPC) holds activities on the day to commemorate Aquino’s fight for democracy. These activities are funded partly by the Office of the President and by private donations.

December 30, 2021 - Rizal Day
Batangas, Philippines 23.48 km

Dr. José Rizal, the Philippines’ National Hero, is celebrated on his namesake day every 30 December.

The first president of the Philippines, Emilio Aguinaldo, commemorated the first Rizal Day in 1898. Born on 19 June 1861, José Rizal is considered as the one of the greatest heroes in Philippine history, and is credited as starting the Philippine revolution against the Spanish colonisers.

Rizal, a man of many talents, was notably a ophthalmologist and a novelist. His two novels, “Noli me Tangere” (“Touch me not”) and the sequel “El filibusterismo” (“The Filibustering” or “Reign of Greed”) exposed the injustices brought on by the Spanish colonisers in the Philippines. Many scholars and historians would agree that it was the ideas in these two books that influenced the already discontented Filipinos to act against the Spanish.

Subsequently, he was arrested for treason and for being associated with the revolutionary forces (although he did not take part in any type of warfare). He was convicted on the grounds of rebellion, sedition and conspiring against the government, and was sentenced to execution by a firing squad on 30 December 30 1896. His death was the last straw for the Filipinos and thus began the end for the Spanish colonisers.

Official events centre around the main Rizal shrine, in Rizal Park in Manila. Flags are at half-mast and the President of the Philippines lays a wreath at Rizal’s shrine, as a symbol of the nation’s gratitude and reverence. As it is a public holiday, most people take the day off from work and spend time with family and friends.

May 13, 2021 - Eidul Fitr
Batangas, Philippines 23.48 km

Eidul Fitr is an important celebration for Filipino Muslims, marking the end of the month-long fast during Ramadan. In 2020, Eidul Fitr falls on Monday 25 May. President Duterte has signed Proclamation No. 944 to confirm the holiday throughout the country.

Originated by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, Eidul Fitr is a celebration of thanksgiving to Allah. Eidul Fitr has been proclaimed a national holiday in the Philippines since 2002. This proclamation was made to foster peace and goodwill between major religions in the Philippines.

Eidul Fitr is celebrated using the Islamic calendar “Hijra” and is also dependant on the lunar calendar. The combination of these means that the date to celebrate Eidul Fitr constantly changes. It is the duty of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) to inform the Office of the President on which date in the Gregorian calendar it should fall.

For Muslim Filipinos, Eidul Fitr marks the end of fasting during Ramadan. On this day, it is forbidden to fast as it is a day of celebration. Muslim Filipinos practice ritual washing before heading to a community gathering, usually in a mosque, and offer special prayers to Allah. On this day, they give the obligatory charity in the form of food known as “zakat al-fitr” and listen to special sermons on the occasion. After attending this gathering, many families choose to celebrate with a feast with their extended family and friends.


Paskuhan at Home - Mobile Plus Inc.
Batangas, Philippines 23.48 km
Get a chance to win a noche buena package! Just share a photo/video on how you’re recreating holiday traditions at home, use the hashtag #GlobePaskuhanAtHome and share the link to your post on the comment section below.
Only entries from Dec 11-18 will be eligible. The winner will be announced on Dec 20.
* Winner gets notified by TD on their Noche Buena Package worth P3,000 (to be delivered by Dec 21)
April 03, 2021 - Black Saturday
Batangas, Philippines 23.48 km

On “Black Saturday,” preparations are made for the late-night Easter vigil at church. There, the Gloria is sung, and some call it “Glorious Saturday.” In some places, an effigy of Judas is hung and burned up, though sometimes, he is blown to pieces by firecrackers. At midnight, the fasting and mourning ends because it is finally the day on which Christ arose from the grave in victory.

A 4am on Easter Morning, a ceremony commemorates the meeting of Mary and Jesus after the Resurrection. The black-veiled image of Mary is unveiled by one or more people dressed up like angels, and sometimes, the veil is tied to balloons or a dove to be carried away in the air. The image of Christ also is unveiled, and flowers and confetti fall down on the statues of both Mary and Jesus. Bells ring and fireworks explode in the sky. Legend has it, however, that if the veil is removed only with difficulty, bad luck will accompany the year to come.

April 09, 2021 - Araw ng Kagitingan
Batangas, Philippines 23.48 km

The Bataan peninsula fell after months of fighting between the Philippine and American armies and the invading Japanese. The united Philippine-US army, depleted of food, medicine and ammunition, was forced to surrender to the Japanese on 9 April, 1942. The now prisoners of war consisted of 68,000 Filipinos and 11,796 Americans. The Japanese, unprepared for the large number of prisoners, decided to move them by foot from Bataan to another base located 140 kilometres away in San Fernando.

On this forced trek, known as the “Death March of Bataan”, many prisoners died due to starvation, disease, dehydration and exhaustion on their way to San Fernando. Many prisoners were also murdered along the way. However, the prolonged defense of the Bataan peninsula hindered the Japanese army’s progress, enabling the Filipino and US forces to prepare for subsequent battles and ultimately win the war against the Japanese.

This gruesome period during the war is used as a reminder of the courage tenacity and willingness to sacrifice to the point of death by the Philippine and American forces. It also is a day to remember Filipinos who continue to fight for freedom on behalf of the Philippines.

Many parades are held involving World War II veterans in different cities. The main event is held at the Mt Samat Shrine in Pilár, Bataan where the President of the Philippines and other dignitaries give speeches honouring the country’s veterans.

August 30, 2021 - National Heroes Day
Batangas, Philippines 23.48 km

National Heroes Day in the Philippines is a public holiday to honour and remember the country’s National heroes.

These heroes are the men and women in Philippine history whose acts of courage enabled the Philippines to grow as a nation. Whilst National Heroes Day celebrates both known and unknown heroes, a National Heroes Committee was set up in 1995 to recommend those who should be counted as ‘National Heroes’. Following certain criteria, they found a select group of people who, they believed, should be honoured for their deeds. These were:

  • Jose Rizal
  • Andres Bonifacio
  • Emilio Aguinaldo
  • Apolinario Mabini
  • Marcelo H. del Pilar
  • Sultan Dipatuan Kudarat
  • Juan Luna
  • Melchora Aquino
  • Gabriela Silang

Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio were two of the main proponents against Spanish rule. As a result, both were also given their own special days commemorating their lives and deeds.

National Heroes Day in the Philippines is held every last Monday of August. This date was chosen as it marked the beginning of the Cry of Pugad Lawin in 1896, the start of the Philippine revolution against the Spanish colonisers.

Filipinos celebrate National Heroes Day by attending local commemorations (e.g. parades, wreath laying at shrines, etc.). As it is a day off for most workers, people often spend the rest of the day with family and friends at parks, shopping malls and other public areas. Small firework displays may also be held during the evenings in some local areas.

April 02, 2021 - Good Friday
Batangas, Philippines 23.48 km

Good Friday is part of the Christian Easter Week celebrations (also known as ‘Holy Week’). Good Friday is two days before Easter Sunday, which normally coincides with the March Equinox and may also coincide with the Jewish Passover.

Good Friday in the Philippines is a national public holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The crucifixion is symbolised by the Cross and, according to the Biblical Gospels, it was by this ancient form of death penalty that Jesus Christ sacrificed himself and died so that he could save humanity from their sins.

Easter is a solemn holiday season and many Filipinos abstain from activities they may deem as ‘worldly’ (e.g. drinking alcohol). On Good Friday, many choose to abstain from eating meat and often pray and fast as part of their religious traditions.

Masses are held in the early afternoon to commemorate and reflect on Jesus’ crucifixion. According to Christian scriptures, Jesus died on the cross at 3pm, so it is at this time in the mass that people become silent and meditate on Jesus’ sacrificial death.

Catholic Filipinos observe the Stations of the Cross as part of the Good Friday mass. These ‘stations’ are often paintings or sculptures that depict specific moments of Jesus on his way to be crucified. They are also often re-enacted by actors as part of an Easter procession. In the Philippines in particular, some people even go so far as to crucify themselves on a wooden cross to symbolise their devotion, as part of their penance or vow.

Batangas Province Founding Anniversary
Batangas Province 23.5 km

Batangas Province Founding Anniversary December 08, 2020

Batangas, Calabarzon, Philippines 23.65 km
Rizal avenue Extension Barangay Sta.Clara Batangas City 23.7 km
043-702 8085043-702 8085
Globe: 0935 236 1810 / Smart: 0930 281 8701Globe: 0935 236 1810 / Smart: 0930 281 8701

Batangan Bayview Hotel and Restaurant have a nice, spacious, comfortable but cheaper room rate. They take pride in providing their guests with the highest quality and very personal service so that they can emulate what it’s like to be at home.

They can assure you that the rooms are to every guest’s liking, from numbers of pillows to the thickness and warmth of the bed. They also provide services like massage, wifi-access, private dining, and function hall for business meetings.

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They are open until 10:00 pm to provide you with your choice meals at any time of the day or night.

Batangan Bayview Hotel and Restaurant also offers discounts for frequent guests!

They are located in Rizal Ave. Extension Brgy. Sta.Clara Batangas City, close to Batangas State University, Plaza Mabini, Coliseum, Mall, Public Market and just a few minutes from the local downtown area right next to Batangas port pier.

This is to inform you of the best services and hospitality available in Batangan Bayview Hotel and Restaurant.

Hotel Rates

* Standard Single Bedroom

12 hours
2 PAX- PHP 950.00
24 hrs – Free 1 Breakfast
2 PAX- PP 1,350.00

*Twin Bed Room

12 hrs
2 PAX- PHP 1,250.00
24 hrs- Free 2 Breakfast
2PAX- PHP 1,650.00

*Wash UP

3 hrs for Single Bed- PHP 500.00
Other Offer

* Conference room (3 hrs)- PHP 500.00
Extra Bed- PHP 300.00

Check-in Time: 2:00 pm
Check-out Time: 12:00 noon


 Chicken  Beef
 Chicken Adobo  Beef Caldereta
 Chicken Barbeque  Beef Tenderloins Tips
 Chicken Caldereta  Beef Broccoli
 Chicken Cordon Bleu  Beef with Mushroom
 Chicken Tinola  Beef Salpicao
 Chili Chicken  Beef Teppanyaki
 Crispy Chicken  Seafood
 Pork  Steamed Fish w/ Garlic Gaze
 Pork Adobo  Steamed Fish w/ Mayonnaise
 Pork Asado  Sweet & sour fish
 Pork Alakobana  Butterfly Prawns
 Lechon Kawali  Crispy oven Fish
 Pork Hamonado  Chili prawns
 Pork Menudo  Camaron Rebusado
 Pork Pata Kare-kare  Calamares
 Pork adobo with Honey  Seafoods Bicol Express
 Pork Nilaga/Sinigang  Desserts
 Pork Sisig  Maja Corn
 Pork Caldereta  Banana Royale
 Buko Pandan
 Buko Lychee
 Ref Cake
 Mango Ref Cake

Sta Cruz, Agoncillo, Batangas 25.45 km

Villa Jovita is a Bali-inspired rest and recreation center located in Brgy. Santa Cruz, Agoncillo, Batangas. It was built in 2017 and has gained quite a following on social media platforms, thanks to its “Instagrammable” attractions. The establishment has been featured in ABS-CBN’s Umagang Kay Ganda and other online vlogs and local media.

One of its major attractions is the Bali Corner where you can find the giant nests and the Bali Swing, or more fittingly called here the Batangas Swing and the Hobbiton Corner inspired by the movie Lord of the Rings.

The resort is visited by the locals and guests from neighboring provinces Laguna and Cavite who loves to enjoy all the resort’s amenities.

Resort Amenities

This spacious property ensures enough capacity for small and larger accommodations as Villa Jovita Resort gives guests a choice of your home and comfort. 

Guests have the following choices of accommodations:

  • Airconditioned Rooms
  • Picnic Huts

Other Amenities

The nature-inspired facilities at Villa Jovita Resort are conducive to a variety of team building and relaxing activities:

  • Unchlorinated Spring Water Pool
  • Swimming Pool for Kids and Adults
  • Bali Corner
  • Hobbiton Corner
  • Basketball Court
  • Spacious Parking Lot
Villa Jovita (46).jpg
Brgy. Ayao-Iyao, Lemery, Batangas 25.87 km
0927 390 34540927 390 3454
0927 390 34540927 390 3454

Chianneb’s Restaurant Lemery is a Cozy Nordic-inspired Restaurant in the heart of Lemery Batangas.

This restaurant from Barangay Ayao-Iyao offers the most satisfying Pinoy Cuisines and offers a 360° “Probinsya” feel view at their Alfresco Roof Deck. 

About the Owner

Vanni Garcia, a former OFW and former hotelier, and business partner Michelle Bereña, a Chef started the business last 2017 in small nipa huts. 

The pandemic paved the way to start Chianneb’s Restaurant Lemery branch is their 3rd branch. According to Mr. Vanni, they accidentally stumble upon this good location when their delivery rider needs assistance delivering goods at Villa Jovita. Luckily, he got the chance to talk to the owner and grabbed the opportunity to put up a new branch. 

About the Restaurant

Chianneb’s Restaurant offers a cozy and chill place for your friends and family to dine in and relax. This 2-story-building has an indoor restaurant and an Alfresco Roof Deck which offers a 360° degree nature-inspired view. They also cater events and deliver to nearby resorts and events areas.

They also wanted to share that they want their clients to experience the best by great food and great customer experience thru a happy vibe working environment. 


Chianneb’s Restaurant is well-known for its most satisfying Pinoy Cuisines and mouth-watering dishes. Most on their list are Filipino Comfort Dishes that are budget-friendly.

Their management wants locals and visitors to experience great food without spending too much money. 

Delivery, Events Catering, and Food Packages

Chiannebs Restaurant also offers a ton of Food Packages for different events such as Weddings, Birthdays, Team gatherings, or even your Family Outing. 

They also have their own delivery team for hassle-free door-to-door delivery of mouth-watering dishes at nearby resorts or at the comfort of your own home. 

They also have live bands performers every night!

Check out their menu: 


V. Illustre Avenue Lemery, Batangas 26.58 km

Our Lady of Caysasay Medical Center, Inc. (OLCMC) is a LEVEL 2 care hospital with thirty-one (31) years of experience in hospital operation and administration. It’s high-class healthcare and patient-centered integrated medical center and is now one of the premier centers for excellence in healthcare not only in Southern Luzon but also in the Philippines. The 100 -bed hospital with a total floor area of 5076 square meters is home to 4 Centers and 8 Departments. These centers for excellence has come to bring to Southern Luzon the latest medical advances and treatment modalities. OLCMC has a medical staff of over 150 physicians (visiting and active consultants) who are established experts in their various fields of specialization. This core of professionals is complemented by more than 260 well-trained human resources, engaged in allied medical, administrative and support services excluding outsourced personnel for various services.

At the heart of OLCMC’s service philosophy are new paradigms of hospital care addressing the entire continuum of health needs, and the patient as an equal, informed and empowered partner in the pursuit and preservation of health.

Aroma Beach, Butong, Taal, Batangas, Philippines 27.29 km

Established on March 6, 2009, Abby’s Garden Resort is perfectly designed for corporate events, seminars & meetings, weddings, debut, anniversaries, birthday parties, school picnics and team building activities. The resort also caters to a camping-type of stay for huge group activities.

A family-oriented resort, Abby’s Garden also provides a relaxing haven for parents and kids with its Mediterranean/European inspired 3-storey hotel rooms that lavish comfort and style. Its leisure facilities include family and children’s pools few meters away from the garden where they could run through a retreat with nature after a refreshing dip.

Abby’s Garden Resort perfectly matches our clientele’ business and recreational fun requirement. If you’re looking for a venue for your corporate events, Abby’s Garden Resort is the best option as it provides a huge function hall and a gazebo right beside the garden that can accommodate 150-200 participants.


Hotel Rooms

Function Hall

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