This is a press release from the organizing committee of Run for the Orphans 2012, a fun run held over the weekend. Were you there?
More than 500 running enthusiasts braved the pouring rain last Saturday, March 24, 2012 in the 440th AMG Run for the Orphans 2012 at the Air Education and Training Command, Fernando Air Base in Lipa City.
The noble run for a cause was joined by the 13 female orphans of the Sr. Maria Betilla Vangelista Home for Children lead by its Superior nun, Sr. Mariana. A brand new set of computer, school shoes for each orphan, clothing, school supplies and groceries from the funds generated and kind donations from donors, sponsors and the runners were formally handed to the orphans by the AETC’s new Commander, BGEN EDGARDO RENE C. SAMONTE, AFP and the 440th AMG’s Commander, LTC REYNOLD R. RUECA, PAF.
The run for a cause, which was a public event, aimed to build awareness in fitness and at the same time promote social responsibility of helping others in the spirit of BAYANIHAN and KAWANG GAWA.
Medals and cash prizes were given to top finishers in the 500m dash for kids, 3K and 5K categories apart from the finishers’ certificates to all who successfully crossed the finish line.
What was unique in the said run is 1 out of 4 runners ran in bare feet. Barefoot running is an old style of running that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It teaches efficiency and injury-free running.
The Race Director, CPT EDSEL B. ENRIQUEZ a.k.a. The Running Pilot and the Barefoot Pilot said he was really amazed by the turn out of runners and pour out of support from donors and sponsors despite the short notice of 3 weeks and the pouring rain on the race day.
“Indeed, Sr. Mariana was right, that giving or sharing our TIME and FRIENDSHIP (to the orphans) apart from our material blessings matters most and will be forever cherished and remembered (by them),” The Running Pilot added.
Aside from the gifts that the orphans received, the AETC will be giving them free computer literacy lessons in one of the technical schools of Fernando Air Base.
The Running Pilot also holds Barefoot Running Clinic every Saturdays for free at 4:30PM at the Fernando Air Base Grandstand. Visit The Running Pilot or Ala Eh! Yapak Facebook Pages for official announcements. CPT ENRIQUEZ’s running escapades can be found at

More pictures can be found by clicking Run for the Orphans 2012 photos.