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Steps Lipa 4th Annual Recital Live at SM Lipa

STEPS Dance Fitness Studio, the frontrunner in the fitness industry here in Lipa City, presents its 4th annual recital entitled: “Now I Can Dance”. Students of the STEPS Lipa Summer Workshops will be performing today right here at SM City Lipa Event Center.

3:07 pm The students of the Personality Development class under the Performing Arts program ramped on stage. Their mentor, the PD teacher, Paris Silva offiically started the event with a short introduction about the beginning of Steps Lipa.

3:10 pm Students from the ballet class showcased their adorable moves and all looking like flower princesses. And then another set of ballerinas appeared with umbrellas just like they’re singing in the rain. The third part of the ballet performance was the fairy-themed dance with the girls handling wands and attached wings on their arms.

A solo ballerina performed an excerpt from Sleeping Beauty. Then three more dances followed before the modern ballet to Charice’s latest hit, Pyramid. A few more ballet performances followed.

3:49 pm The students of the PD class went back on stage wearing formal dresses and suits.

3:54 pm Students from the Performing Arts program under the Hip-Hop class showed what they’ve got – precision, rhythm, and the groove of a pro!

3:58 pm Paris introduced her co-host, Aira (I think she’s one of Paris’ students from PD class). They interviewed a belly dancer from the class of Ms. Sandy Vinas.

4:00 pm The belly dancers appeared on stage with their swaying hips and sparkling purple and gold costume to the tune of Magalena. Next performance featured the little belly dancers from the junior belly dancing class. Then entered the teens who did the Arabian belly dance.

4:18 pm Steps’ belly dancing master, Sandy Vinas, amazed the crowd with her solo performance.

4:24 pm The students of PD class went back for the third time, now on their casual wear.

4:30 pm Steps’ hip-hop dancers and instructors were the last performers for the recital. They gave out a groundbreaking performance with the Salindayaw dancers. The another animated number were presented by the teens from the hip-hop class.

4:51 pm A lyrical hip-hop from one of the Steps dance instructors and a lady na “ibinalibang”. Haha.

4:55 pm A Telephone dance 🙂

5:00 pm The grand finale. Everyone from the Hip-Hop, Ballet, Belly Dancing, and PD classes, together with the mentors and Salindayaw dancers, went on stage for the final bow.

Kudos to all the performers! And thank you for giving us a wonderful time watching.


Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Image Gallery of Steps Lipa 4th Annual Recital

[slidepress gallery=’steps-lipa-4th-annual-recital’]

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JR Cantos is the Publisher of Some of the articles here on the website have been contributed over the years, so please just email us at help (at) if you have any concerns. Salamat!

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No comments

  1. Thank you to the staff of WOWBATANGAS……love you guys…..

  2. Thank you to the staff of WOWBATANGAS……love you guys…..

  3. Hey guys, thanks for covering our event! Post our photos! 🙂

  4. Hey guys, thanks for covering our event! Post our photos! 🙂

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