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Why it’s Time for Pinoys to Ride a Bicycle

We’ve seen President Noynoy on a bicycle when he, together with the people from Department of Health, lead the “Ehersisyo Pangkalusugan Para Sa Lahat 2011” last weekend at the Quezon City Memorial Circle. The event was filled with a series of physical activities all anchored on the promotion of wellness and healthier lifestyle for Filipinos.

The President rode on a bike and he seemed to enjoy the ride. Are you up for a bicycle ride? Riding a bike could bring numerous benefits for your body, for the environment, and for your pocket as well. See this.

(1) It’s good for your heart.

Biking is a good cardiovascular exercise. Well, it depends on how fast you can go.

(2) Tone those muscles.

Toned muscles is another way of interpreting beautiful shapes and curves of the body. You don’t make muscles big, you just toned them by making them firm, lean, and strong.

Health and other benefits of biking(3) Lose weight.

More and more people are getting involve in weight loss program. If you can’t get enough of all the calories you take each day, burn them by riding a bike at least thrice a week. Biking has been claimed to be an effective activity to lose weight.

(4) Stamina (mina, eh eh).

Biking helps you improve your stamina. Endurance is one of the vital factors of physical well-being. How long can you endure a physical activity is one way to measure your strength.

(5) Save Mother Earth.

Okay, it’s too much of a big thing. If it can be done in other parts of the world, why can’t it be implemented here in the Philippines? I’m talking about having bicycle as mode of transportation. And then you would say there should be biking lanes first. Tama.

(6) Save up.

Save the money you have allotted for gas on other important things. Bike if you’re just going around the village or if you can go to work with it. If you can actually do biking as alternative for driving your car but have lots of excuses (or kaartehan), stop complaining about oil price hike.

You see, biking will give you more benefits than these six mentioned here. Biking is more than just a physical activity. When you’re on your bike, you have a connection with the earth below the wheels, the things around you, the sky above, and more importantly, you can reconnect with the person inside you (not that you’re losing it).

Make biking a habit. If you don’t know how to ride a bike, it’s time you learn to do so. See the world, know yourself a little bit.

With notes from,

About Publisher

JR Cantos is the Publisher of Some of the articles here on the website have been contributed over the years, so please just email us at help (at) if you have any concerns. Salamat!

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