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14 New Year’s Resolutions for 2014

It’s the 6th day of 2014. How did you welcome the dawn of the new year?

Oftentimes, we list down or create visual reminders of resolutions we want to pursue for every year that’s starting. Writing down New Year’s resolutions may appear geeky or baduy for some but there are still those who spend time and effort in trying to become a better version of their selves.

Creating New Year’s resolutions isn’t something that came out of nowhere. It has an interesting origin which we want you to know in this story.

Although this New Year’s resolution is something each of us personally create, we list down 14 of the common resolutions we make to start our year right.

In case you forgot something in your own list, this may probably remind you of a thing or two.

1. Travel more. Travelling is more than just another expense on the list. This will allow you to discover more about the world – which is comprise of people, places, other things tangible and intangible – and to learn more about yourself.

2. Save money and do it. Really. This is something we promise ourselves each year but how far can you keep up with this resolution? This is one good money saving tip from a female blog.

3. Exercise. If heading to the gym is too much of a task for you, then play a sport you like or you’re good at. And do it as often as you can.

4. Eat healthy. This means less of junk food and more of veggies and fruits. Less fat, more nutrients.

5. Work hard. This does not mean you have to be a slave. Be a team player. Your work or your business will feed your pocket which allows you to do other things like shopping, travelling, going to spa.

6. Play harder. Nothing wrong with spoiling yourself sometimes. 🙂

7. Be a more responsible social media user. As they say, “think before you click”. Don’t just say something. Say something interesting.

14 Resolutions for 2014

8. Get more updated of what’s happening around you. It’s your obligation as part of the society.

9. Spend more time with family. Family first. Always.

10. Strengthen old bonds. Your real life friends may not be as many as your Facebook friends and that’s totally fine. The number of your social media friends and followers does not define true friendships.

11. If in a relationship, be a supportive partner. Being in a relationship is not just about you, it’s about both of you. Support your significant other in decisions that matter to him or her, particularly if it means his or her self-improvement.

12. Do random acts of kindness everyday. It’s always okay to be good.

13. Learn a new talent/skill. You’re never too old to learn how to play the piano or how to speak French.

14. Talk to God more often. He, above anyone else, hears you in every single second of your life.

About Publisher

JR Cantos is the Publisher of Some of the articles here on the website have been contributed over the years, so please just email us at help (at) if you have any concerns. Salamat!

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