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Are Parents Implementing Strong Parental Guidance in TV Viewing with Kids?

“Ang susunod na programa ay nangangailangan ng striktong patnubay at gabay sa mga batang manonood…”

I wonder how parents are guiding their kids on watching TV programs nowadays. Particularly in the primetime slot when there are series of teleseryes lined-up for our nighttime entertainment.

Movies and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) recently launched a TV commercial to further explain its new rating dubbed as SPG or Strong Parental Guidance (Striktong Patnubay at Gabay) in TV program classification.

Rated SPG obviously requires stricter guidance for kids who are watching programs which may contain scenes that are not suitable for them. A program which is rated SPG pose any of the following: theme (non-child-friendly), violence, language (profane, vulgar words), sex, and horror.

Rated SPG - Strong Parental Guidance | BatangasIn some households, watching TV with kids is a normal everyday thing and I know there are a lot of them who do not really implement strict rules on watching TV. What more for implementing strict guidance?

My 7-year-old goddaughter often asks me each time she visits my place if I have seen Paranormal Activity. Hell no. Then after giving her my uncertain “no” response, she would ask why, wondering if I’m scared.

The point is, parents, or anyone living with kids in the house, should not let them watch disturbing horror films or anything that might bother their minds for that matter. It’s not being KJ or anything but it’s not just appropriate for the young ones who should only be watching Sailormoon or Naruto.

It may demand too much attention and effort on the part of the parents or guardians but I’m sure you won’t be happy with cursing kids who can’t stop talking about this hottah hottah reality TV star or your 5-year-old mimicking that blood-stained murderer on the TV debut of a horror flick.

About Publisher

JR Cantos is the Publisher of Some of the articles here on the website have been contributed over the years, so please just email us at help (at) if you have any concerns. Salamat!

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