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Smartphone: A Valuable Possession or Obsession?

Calling smartphone a gadget may be an understatement for some of us who consider this technology an extension of one’s self. Yeah, more like a twin brother/sister or your non-living thing version.

Are you a smartphone user?

Wiki says, “A smartphone, or smart phone, is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone.” It is more than just a mobile phone as it can do almost anything from accomplishing an office task to watching your favorite primetime series to shopping a new dress online.

To date, it’s the most efficient technology deemed important to live in the NOW. For people who are always on the go, their smartphone is a need and not just a want. Getting connected online is like connecting to a life support system for those whose lives would be a total bore if they go offline.

The Philippines emerge to be among the strongest market of smartphones in the Southeast Asian region. According to the research firm GfK and as published on, the Philippines rank fourth in terms of smartphone sales volume following the top notcher Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. That’s based on the April 2012 to March 2013 data which was around 5.754 million smartphones sold in the Philippines.

What smartphone are you using? Are you ayos na ayos sa iOS or you an Android baby?

Personally, I thank the technology gods for creating smartphones so I won’t have to open my laptop to perform most of my online conversations like emails and chats. Apps, on the other hand, are more handy, less complicated, and relatively cheaper than getting their non-digital counterparts, like getting a personal assistant. Oh boy, such blessings for the lazy ones! Haha.

Studies show that 1 out of 4 Filipinos own a smartphone. Young and old, you see smartphone users indulging ‘personal time’ with this gadget too often that they can comfortably detach themselves from the world. Can you call it an obsession? Depending on the extent, perhaps.

We realize that owning a smartphone is a necessity when we recognize the advantages it bring to our lives. How easy it is for us to connect to people and how fast some transactions could be done with just a few ticks of OK buttons here and there.

The obsession turns up when you check your phone around a hundred times a day and you get uncomfortable and disoriented when your smartphone is not in your hand. It’s always best to have the balance. Be smartphone-free for a day and see the difference it makes.

The infographic below shows how strong the Philippine market is when it comes to smartphone consumption. However you choose to interpret the data, this only means one thing – Filipinos are not left behind in embracing technological advances.

smartphones - Filipino users - sales volume - importance

About Publisher

JR Cantos is the Publisher of Some of the articles here on the website have been contributed over the years, so please just email us at help (at) if you have any concerns. Salamat!

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