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The Truth on Loving Oneself (Last Wave for Valentine 2011)

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” — Moulin Rouge

And that starts with loving your self first.

There are a lot of ways to show your love for others. Likewise, there are a number of ways on how to show your love for yourself. Love. Such a complicated word/idea/feeling. I can’t even find the right word to classify the term.

Don’t worry, after this article, it would took a long time for me to write another post about this l-o-v-e. Permit me, but this is the only way I know how I could deal with the lovesick disposition I am in now. Laughs.

When a relationship ends, or when someone says goodbye, we think that half of our being dies. No. You’re still whole. You may be shattering in pain but you’re still your old self who’s part of that relationship. You still have you eyes, you extremities, your lips, you ears. No, kidding aside, what dies when a relationship is broken is your idea that that is actually your dream relationship. Not even your emotion nor your love for that person dies, it just subsides. It just takes the back seat. Maybe for a while, or maybe forever.

Bianca Gonzalez shared these inspiring words in one episode of SNN. I can’t remember the exact words but the idea goes like: “if you’re not happy being single, you won’t be happy being in a relationship”. Interpretation please…

An ideal couple is composed of two whole individuals – not two halves combined. You yourself must know your worth and the realization doesn’t start when you enter a relationship. You should know your self-worth outside a commitment. Know what you want, know what you’re capable of doing, know where you want to be. And when the time comes that you actually learned about the significance or the reason of your existence, that would only be the right time when you can truly say you’re ready to be part of a tandem, of a relationship that would allow you to grow more.

Love your self even if you weigh ten pounds heavier than your girlfriends. Love yourself even if you’re four tones darker than your BFF. Love your self even if you don’t have six-pack abs. Love your self even if your ex-girlfriend dumped you for the star player of the varsity team.

When you do, loving someone won’t be too much of a challenge. It takes courage, yes, and when you have that courage in you, don’t let it slip away.

Stupid Cupid signs off for now. Until the next Valentine’s Day!

Create happiness and love well, earthlings! 🙂

About Publisher

JR Cantos is the Publisher of Some of the articles here on the website have been contributed over the years, so please just email us at help (at) if you have any concerns. Salamat!

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  1. hapee valentine’s day (“,)

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