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What music Batangueños are listening to?

What’s in the playlist of Batangueños nowadays? Are you digging the popchart hits or are you streaming away from the mainstream?

I think music plays an important part in anyone’s life. We listen to music for different purposes. Get various emotions or let out a certain emotion. Whatever your kind of music is, it tells something about you. Or how your life’s been going.

When Jovit Baldivino won our hearts and got his two million pesos and talent contract, the entire Batangas sang along with the songs he chose to perform. Admit it or not, na-last song syndrome ka din sa Faithfully.

One of Pinoys’ favorite past times is having a videoke marathon. When videoke machine was introduced to us, it has been part of most celebrations from birthday parties to reunions to whatever.

Okay, so what’s in YOUR playlist. What music you listen to says something about yourself. Agree? Batanguenos love merry-making. And music is the happiest way to savour every moment shared with great company.

Don’t you find it amazing how music transcends into every generation? What your parents enjoyed listening to before might be the same songs you are humming right now – only with a different kind of arrangement, a different band interpreting.

Whatever songs you are listening to right now, sing them with your hearts out. Believe me, your soul is singing with you and the whole world might be doing just the same.

Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life. ~Ludwig van Beethoven

About Publisher

JR Cantos is the Publisher of Some of the articles here on the website have been contributed over the years, so please just email us at help (at) if you have any concerns. Salamat!

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