Breaking News

Classes Opening Resched to June 15

The Commission on Higher Education had set the opening of classes of colleges and universities on June 8 but because of the threats of H1N1 virus, colleges and universities here in Batangas will have the opening of classes next week, June 15.

This move is to prepare colleges and universities to the possible harm of the aforesaid influenza virus. De la Salle Lipa, Lyceum of the Philippines Batangas University, University of Batangas and particularly Batangas State University (with foreign students) are among the colleges and universities with a large number of student population and being unprepared for the posible cases would certainly cause a fast and alarming spread of H1N1 not only in the province but in the country at large.

With this concern, it is advised that colleges here in the province must have their own thermo scanner located at the students and employees entrance. Assembly like Freshmen orientation must also be postponed and announcements regarding the prevention of the H1N1 virus must also be in posted on bulletins and offices.

For the students, teachers and school staff, always bring sanitizers and alcohol, observe proper hygiene, have a healthy diet always and take vitamins C, zinc and E.

Have a safe first day everybody!

[tags]H1n1, influenza Virus, CHED, Lyceum of the philippines batangas university, opening of classes, schedule, rescheduled, open, batangas state university, lipa city colleges, de la salle lipa, university of Batangas, FAITH, batangas, cases, St. Bridget college[/tags]

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JR Cantos is the Publisher of Some of the articles here on the website have been contributed over the years, so please just email us at help (at) if you have any concerns. Salamat!

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  1. hi po.. i am a pure blooded batangenya..I do follow this site everyday. I wanna thank you because this is a very informative site not only for us batanggenyos but for all even foreigners. This is so updated. can i suggest if you can include my most beloved alma mater, Batangas Province Science High School. Thank and more power!

  2. hi po.. i am a pure blooded batangenya..I do follow this site everyday. I wanna thank you because this is a very informative site not only for us batanggenyos but for all even foreigners. This is so updated. can i suggest if you can include my most beloved alma mater, Batangas Province Science High School. Thank and more power!

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