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#BatanguenoBucketlist: Try Doodle Art

Text by Steph Dote
Photo by Irish Mae Opeña

Batangueños are naturally talented and hardworking people. All Filipinos are! From singing to dancing even in film making, we have reached great heights to be known nationwide for our artistic talents.

But we cannot deny our gift in creating artworks. It’s an avenue where we can show our passion. Whether it’s sketching or painting, we know what we want. But if you still need a stepping stone to explore the world of art, let your hands take control of your pencil. Don’t worry if you’re still struggling, everyone starts at the bottom.

Try doodling! Gawain ‘to ng mga madalas ma-bore sa klase. Magdo-doodle na lang ng kahit ano sa mga pages sa likod ng notebook, kunwari nakikinig sa teacher. Haha.

So, here’s how you can start a doodle art:

1. Find a spot you’re comfortable with. Somewhere you can think peacefully.

2. Get a piece of paper, a pencil or a pen.

3. Imagine of things that inspires you (e.g. something cute or funny)

4. Collect your ideas and draw it on the paper.

5. Key in the details you want to emphasize such as expressions or words, even the colors.

And if you need to get back up on your feet or just in need of an inspiration, let your artistic side take over. You don’t have to perfect every details. Art has infinite boundaries. Art takes time. You’ll never know when you’ll make your own masterpiece.

And I know that we always reach a point when we get tired of work and to think about the future can stress you out sometimes. But everyone deserves a little break once in a while. Just pause for a second to breathe. Have a cup of kapeng barako. Enjoy the world’s greatest treasures like your work of art and just take your time.

Batangueno Bucketlist: Try Doodle Art

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JR Cantos is the Publisher of Some of the articles here on the website have been contributed over the years, so please just email us at help (at) if you have any concerns. Salamat!

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One comment

  1. Jholein B. Dimaano

    Good morning and good day!
    Attached are samples of my work as a manga d drawings and doodle art.
    With the artistic skills and flexibility to work even under pressure,i would like to be a part of your batangueno Bucketlist.
    I believe in my capacity and with the skill set that i posses,I know that i could be a big contribution.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon and to be working with you in the near future.

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