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March is National Women’s Month

Presidential Proclamation Nos. 224 and 227, and Republic Act 6949 provide for the yearly observance of the month of March as National Women’s Month.

This year’s celebration of Women’s month is anchored on the importance of Republic Act 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women, the national translation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women or the CEDAW.

Meanwhile, the PCW is one with the government’s commitment to gear all efforts towards the achievement of the MDGs (UN’s Millenium Development Goals) by 2015. The objectives for this year’s women’s month are:

1. To increase public awareness on the Millennium Development Goals and the Magna Carta of Women, the Philippine CEDAW; and

2. To serve as venue for synergizing efforts to address gender issues in the MDGs and develop strategies and programs to address them.

In recognition that all goals require serious and concerted efforts among various stakeholders, PCW enjoins all government agencies, state universities and colleges, government-owned and controlled corporations, especially local government units to come up with programs, projects or activities along the general theme. Agencies preferably in partnership with other government agencies and non-government organizations are encouraged to organize activities on the following topics:

•On Gender and Poverty (Goal 1): Determining the target poor and identify convergence of innovative interventions, poverty alleviation, food security and asset democratization;

•Gender and Education (Goal 2): Enhancing early childhood care and development towards achieving universal primary education;

•On Gender and Health (Goals 4,5,6): Promotion of the use of birth planning;

•On Gender and Environment (Goal 7): Addressing climate change vulnerabilities of women and promoting the participation of women in disaster risk preparedness;

•On Women’s Empowerment (Goal 3): Women’s participation in politics and decision making, prevention of trafficking of women and children;

•On Global Partnership for Development and Financing the MDGs (Goal 8): Enhancements of GAD Budgeting and Planning Guidelines, maximizing public-private and ODA partnerships in the attainment of the MDGs. Source:

Let us all do our part in advancing gender equality and in empowering Filipino women. With our own little ways, we can still make a difference.

Happy Women’s Month sa lahat ng mga Kababaihang Pilipino at Batangenyo!

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JR Cantos is the Publisher of Some of the articles here on the website have been contributed over the years, so please just email us at help (at) if you have any concerns. Salamat!

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  1. nung march 7 po nung fiesta… cnu po ung nakakakilala sa girl na naka WHITE…kxama nya ung nanay nya na naka green.. sa tapat ng upuaan namin sya loob ng simbahan,,,

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