Yes. It’s his 150th birthday.
You may now wear that rubberized Jose Rizal portraits on your shirts– Rizal with aviator shades and earphones and all.
But really, how well do you know him?
Does your knowledge of him go beyond the required Noli and Fili classes?
Beyond the silver coins?
Beyond his rather jolog- ish hair?
So how well do you exactly know him?
Here are some trivia to add up to that stock knowledge of yours: 🙂
Filipino writer Jose Rizal could read and write at age 2, and grew up to speak more than 20 languages, including Latin, Greek, German, French and Chinese. What were his last words? “Consummatum est!” (“It is done!”) altar at the Holy Rosary Cathedral in Dipolog City was designed by Dr. Jose Rizal. The Cathedral was erected by the Spanish friars sometime in 1895, before Dipolog City became a municipality.
The Rizal Shrine in Dapitan City is the original estate of Dr. Jose Rizal which he acquired by purchase during his exile in Dapitan from 1892 to 1896.
The national hero personally created the 900-square-meter Relief Map of Mindanao displayed in Dapitan City which he used as a device to teach history and geography to townsfolk.…Some blogs online even claim that Jose Rizal was the infamous Jack the Ripper, not only just because of their similar initials but he apparently lived in London the same time the Ripper killings were happening (1888-1889).
Other articles claim that Jose Rizal was actually the illegitimate father of Adolf Hitler due to his “sexual encounter” with a woman Kiara Poiz who was once a maid in Vienna. Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 and Jose Rizal had studied in Heidelberg in Germany around February 1, 1886. During his grand tour around Europe, he stopped by Vienna in 1887. Apparently, Jose Rizal was in Europe around the time Hitler was born. Rumor has it that Jose Rizal lost his diamond stickpin while traveling around Linz, Brunn and Munich. A maid “found” it and delivered the pin to Rizal’s good friend Blumentritt.
We Filipinos may have less cared about his life of patriotism. We may now be focusing on the Spratly, RH Bill and Gretchen Barretto issues.
Children may now primarily remember him as a cool logo for t- shirts.
But it is really nice to know that last week has been a blast for Rizal’s life.
Talk shows, panel discussions, documentaries… what have you… have done features on the Philippine National Hero.
From his writings, to his ideals, to his infamous love life, we were indeed re- educated.
Kudos to those people who remember the noble deeds of Rizal and to those who gladly educate us with the exemplary life of his!
And blessed be the man who relives the value of patriotism.
image from:
Hitler was born on 1989? 21 yrs old lang sya?
ay mali. :/
corrected na po.
thanks. 🙂
bale 22 po siya kung 1989.
jose rizal never sat foot in england, his travel in europe was mainly in germany and some other city but not england,it’s impossible to have fathered adolf hitler and 20 languages are preposterous..where did you all get your data??do not make him more than what he was .. his life was interesting enough as it was..he might have known 20 languages in his lifetime but not enough to speak or write them fluently, JR and the 900 sq. meter relief map of mindanao? questionable//
Why are there so many out of place comments on this page? Confusing. Anyways I just had to stop in and compliment you on your subperb writing style. Keeps me coming back. Bookmarked for future visits 😀